At Charlton Brown Architects, we strive to produce buildings of the highest quality, this includes their performance and impact throughout their lifecycle. It requires a holistic approach that encompasses every building element — from design, materials and construction, to energy resources and technology. Our aim is to design and deliver buildings that are built to last and improve our quality of life.
We have therefore joined PRIME, a collective of likeminded people in our industry, ensuring we aspire for the highest standards in all that we do. It is our intention that six simple Principles will come, in time, to form the foundation upon which our practice is built on.
Those Principles are:
1) Being Environmentally Better;
2) Embracing Sustainable Innovation;
3) Spreading the Word;
4) Delivering Impact;
5) Making a Difference; and
6) Being Accountable.
We have started to look at ways that we can act upon these intentions, and we endeavor to subscribe for our first Official PRIME Score in order to publish our own progress against these aspirations.
Find out more about the PRIME Principles and how they can help you to achieve sustainable business beyond the balance sheet at